The Phoenix Force Is Consuming The Avengers... From The Inside - Comics Ninja



Tuesday 29 December 2020

The Phoenix Force Is Consuming The Avengers... From The Inside

The Phoenix Force is consuming the Avengers - from the inside. Steve Rogers has lived a long and full life. He started out as a weakling who was rejected for service in the US military, but the strength of his character and the courage of his convictions earned him a place in the Super Soldier program. He became transformed into Captain America, the living legend of World War II.

But now Steve Rogers is about to become something far more. The Phoenix Force has come to Earth, and the Avengers are competing for the right to become the next Phoenix Host. "The Phoenix is back,Avengers writer Jason Aaron has promised, "and in its spirit of fiery rebirth, it's seeking a brand new avatar. So begins the greatest tournament the world has ever seen, as some of Marvel's most powerful heroes and villains are called to battle for the right to become the all-new Phoenix. All will be transformed. But who will burn?"

Related: Marvel's First Avengers Were Created By The Phoenix Force

Marvel Comics has just released a preview of Avengers #40, featuring a tournament battle between Doctor Doom and Captain America. Both have become hosts of a portion of the Phoenix's power, but while Doom is keen to exploit this power, Steve Rogers is shaken by it. But that doesn't mean he's going to let Doctor Doom triumph and claim the power of the Phoenix for himself, of course. Check out the cover art and some preview pages below:

It's an intriguing scene, all the more so because it demonstrates the vast difference between Captain America's character and Doctor Doom's. Doom is eager to embrace the power of the Phoenix, delightedly envisioning transforming into a cosmic angel of death. "Give yourself wholly unto Doom," he appeals, "and together we will burn this paltry cosmos as never before!" In contrast, Steve Rogers fears the seductive power of the Phoenix is burning away his own goodness, his memory of the man he was. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Captain America has never sought absolute power, but now it has been thrust upon him he fears he will be corrupted by it.

To be host of the Phoenix Force is to be bonded to a primordial entity that played a key role in the Big Bang itself. Precious few people can retain any sense of identity, any sense of individuality and humanity, when they are host to the Phoenix. In the case of Captain America, the influence of the Phoenix is displayed by the fact that his star - the symbol of everything he stood for in the past - is replaced with the Phoenix raptor logo. Worse still, like the super soldier serum, the Phoenix tends to amplify what it finds within, the good and the bad, making it so easy to fall and be transformed into Dark Phoenix. Captain America is wise to fear he is being consumed from within - but other members of the Avengers may lack that wisdom and self-awareness.

More: Is Superman Strong Enough to Beat Marvel's Phoenix Force?

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