The 10 Best Quotes From Studio 666 | Screen Rant - Comics Ninja



Thursday 3 March 2022

The 10 Best Quotes From Studio 666 | Screen Rant

Studio 666 is a horror movie with the Foo Fighters playing fictional versions of themselves. However, this was not a horror movie like most people have grown accustomed to in 2022. The Foo Fighters made a throwback movie to the classic splatstick horror movies of the 1980s.

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These movies, such as The Evil Dead, not only had excessive gore and disgusting kills, but they also added on humor with great one-liners and comic gags in the movie. What the Foo Fighters seemed to do in Studio 666 is bring in a lot of inside jokes and added a touch of rock and roll homage to create a movie full of fantastic quotes.

One of the best jokes in the movie came when the Foo Fighters celebrated a big moment. This was featured in a big group high five, which started with Dave Grohl yelling "Pearl Jam high five" before they all added a line that tied into a song from Pearl Jam's breakout album, Ten.

What makes this such a great joke is the cover of that album had the Foo Fighters doing a group high five. The two gags saw them follow up with "Jeremy has spoken" since their record label exec was named Jeremy, and then later saying "we're still alive," while in the haunted house. "Jeremy" and "Alive" are both songs from Ten.

When the Foo Fighters enter the mansion that they will eventually almost all die in, Dave Grohl looks around at the sparse rooms. He is about ready to call it quits and proves it when he asks his band, "Do you guys get this overwhelming sense of death?"

As the movie showed in the opening scene, a band was there in the 1990s and the lead singer killed all his bandmates before killing himself. Dave sensed this, but when he clapped his hands and liked the acoustics, they stayed and sealed their own fate, submitting themself to the Studio 666 curse.

Dave Grohl was going through a hard time as the band was trying to come up with new music for their 10th album. Dave sat down and started to play one song and another, but his bandmates told him both times that he was just playing old Foo Fighters songs.

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The next thing the audience sees is Dave sitting at a keyboard and playing the Lionel Richie song, "Hello." This brought Richie into a dream sequence to tell Dave to stop playing his song, using lots of explicative words, before leaving the house.

Dave Grohl was possessed by a demon and ended up ready to start his journey to create the perfect rock and roll song, which, as it turned out later, would open a portal and let a demon into the real world. He then got his inspiration and played a haunting note on his guitar.

The Foo Fighters were shocked because it was a new musical note that Dave said he created, before he said, "You're welcome, music." This was a fun gag because it really played into the comparisons between Studio 666 and the mockumentary, This is Spinal Tap, where the band created an amp that went to 11, making them the loudest band ever.

Will Forte has a role in Studio 666 as a food delivery driver named Darren Sandelbaum. He is also a musician and he is shocked to see Dave Grohl in the house. Awestruck, he exclaims that the Foo Fighters are his second favorite band after Coldplay.

This was a fun inside joke because Dave Grohl has been making fun of Coldplay for over a decade now, as reported in Feel Numb. It also doesn't work out well for Darren, who ends up as Dave's first victim after he ends up possessed.

The Foo Fighters work long and hard on making the new album. While the band just thinks they are overworking songs that should already be done, they don't understand that Dave is inadvertently attempting to create a song that opens a demonic portal.

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The band is wearing down and most of them just want to go home. That is when Nate looks at his friends and says, "I'm tired. My kids think I'm dead." It is a funny throwaway line, but one that foreshadows his fate.

Taylor Hawkins is the one guy who just seems chill with everything. He is tired and he wants to go home. But he just accepts what Dave is saying and goes along with almost anything. Even when the other guys are rebelling, he keeps on keeping on.

There was one line that made it seem like that is just Taylor's way. Dave is in his bed when the demons try to come in. He immediately thinks it is his drummer and says, "No, Taylor. Sleep in your own bed!"

The longer that the demon possesses Dave Grohl, the more outspoken, hateful, and arrogant he becomes. It soon becomes clear that while the demon has made Dave evil, it also brought out something that was already deep in him that he repressed.

Dave was a self-obsessed rock and roll diva and he made it clear when Pat Smear refused to keep playing. He looks at Pat and says, "Did you just say no to Dave Grohl?" He then goes on a rant about how rock stars can get anything they want, anytime they want it: "Just ask Jimmy Page!"

By the time that the Foo Fighters realize that Dave Grohl is no longer right in the head, they gather together to start to look around and figure out what is happening. That is when Nate says, "Dude has gone One-Flew-Over-The-Cuckoo's-Nest crazy."

This, of course, references the classic novel and movie from the 1970s starring Jack Nicholson. It also finally leads the band into taking proactive action to try to save Dave before it is too late.

By the end of Studio 666, everyone is dead except for Dave Grohl and his manager, Jeremy Shill. Dave is trying to kill Jeremy, who is who actually set up the entire ordeal. Dave isn't strong enough, clearly, and Jeremy looks at his singer and realizes that Dave succeeded.

While Dave's friends excised the demon Caretaker from him, the Foo Fighters' frontman still completed the song and released the demon seeking to escape. Jeremy looks at Dave and said, "you're a solo act now," and Grohl's fate was sealed.

NEXT: 10 X-Rated Movies That Are Now Considered Classics

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