The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Frenchie - Comics Ninja



Sunday 1 November 2020

The Boys: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Frenchie

The Boys is undeniably one of the most popular shows on TV. After all, the fact of the matter is that the show has transcended all boundaries to quickly become one of the most successful shows on streaming services, and it has become the centerpiece of Amazon Prime.

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A major reason as to why this show is popular is due to the colorful cast of characters. One such character is Frenchie, who is definitely a standout member of The Boys and always adds a crazy level of energy into whatever scene he's part of, making for some truly engrossing viewing.

That being said, not everything is perfect about this character — there are still various things about Frenchie that are still up in the air and unexplained.

10 Is It Really Possible For Him To Get A Clean Slate?

In Season 2 of The Boys, the group ends up helping Mallory with the incentive that each of them will be able to get a clean slate after accomplishing their objective.

However, is this really possible? After all, The Boys have done some pretty heinous things that some people might find incredibly hard to forgive. If that wasn't bad enough as is, there's also the fact that the leader of The Boys — Butcher — had his face broadcasted on national television!

9 How Does He Even Function With Someone Like M.M. Around?

Frenchie is a person who's quite chaotic and likes to do things on the fly. This is the complete opposite of M.M., who prefers it when things go according to plan without a hitch.

How do two personalities that clash to such an extent manage to work with each other without any major problems?

8 Why Didn't He Just Clear The Misunderstanding Around Mallory's Grandchildren?

While it might be noble from Frenchie's end to bear the guilt of killing Mallory's grandchildren, this does come at the cost of M.M. and Mallory hating his guts.

However, it's revealed later on that Frenchie faced an emergency where his friend was overdosing, forcing him to abandon the mission to keep an eye on Lamplighter, which subsequently had dire consequences when he unwittingly ended up burning down a house with Mallory's grandchildren inside.

He should've informed the team about the emergency, instead of needlessly taking the entire blame.

7 How Did He Lie To Homelander Without Getting Caught?

Homelander is a person whose senses are so sharp that he can notice when anyone is lying to him, regardless of how well they might try.

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And yet, Frenchie manages to slip some lies past Homelander without any issues whatsoever. Is he really so good at lying that he has no tells... or is Homelander just plain stupid?

6 Is He Really The Most Intelligent Person In The Group?

Most people — The Boys included — think that Frenchie is the smartest person in the group, whose quick mind that can figure out a quick solution to any problem that might be plaguing them.

However, is Frenchie really all that smart to begin with? It's not like he hasn't done his fair share of stupid things that have compromised group, with the most glaring fault being addressed in the next section.

5 Why Did He Leave A Metallic Object Next To A Supe-Prisoner With Telekinetic Powers?

Kimiko's brother was a powerful Supe-Terrorist with the ability to use telekinesis to great effect.

So, for Frenchie to leave a metallic can next to him without even checking up on his bindings is absolutely stupid, and just cheapens his character — whether from an intellectual perspective or otherwise.

4 Is He Even From France, To Begin With?

In the comics, it's strongly alluded that Frenchie isn't even from France — he's just a crazy Brit who badly wants to convince himself that he's not.

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In the show, his nationality has never been revealed outright, which adds further weight to the theory that he really might not be a Frenchman. The fact that he's portrayed by an Israeli actor and his accent slips at times certainly adds more credibility to this train of thought.

3 Why Does He Even Like Kimiko In The First Place?

It's weird that a chaotic person like Frenchie — who's also supposed to be smart, apparently — fell for a berserk Supe who could tear pretty much anyone's face apart without so much as a second thought.

His affections for her seem somewhat forced, which brings to mind another pressing question...

2 Is He Using Kimiko As A Way To Make Himself Feel Better?

Frenchie has expressed his regret multiple times over his past as a hitman and the horrible executions that he carried out. He feels that taking care of Kimiko will finally give his life some sort of meaning... but isn't that quite selfish on his end?

After all, it's pretty clear that Kimiko is attached to him and genuinely cares about him. If he's really using her as a crutch for his own mental state and nothing more, then that's pretty inappropriate.

1 How Did He Never Learn How To Communicate With Kimiko In The First Place?

For all the time that he spent with Kimiko, it's quite weird that he never really learned how to communicate with her — a skill that would've obviously proven to be quite useful.

Instead, he never really pushes her to help him understand and only starts caring about something as vital as communication after seeing her interact with her brother.

NEXT: The Boys: The Seven's Members, Ranked From Most Heroic To Most Villainous

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