30 Deleted Scenes In Marvel Movies That Should’ve Never Been Cut - Comics Ninja



Friday 31 August 2018

30 Deleted Scenes In Marvel Movies That Should’ve Never Been Cut

When it comes to deleted scenes in movies, there are normally two basic reasons that they are cut.

The first reason is to shorten and tighten up the movie. In these cases, the scenes are not directly necessary to moving the plot and the director and editor cut them to make sure that everything in the movie moves the story along and nothing excess remains in the final cut -- no matter how great the scenes and performances might be.

A second reason might be the fact that the scenes end up not telling the story that the director decides on by the end of the movie. These scenes could have been great when they were filmed, but when the movie was completed, the scenes changed or altered the narrative of the movie in a way that the filmmaker wanted to be changed.

With that said, not all deleted scenes are created equally. A viewer can watch the deleted scenes on a DVD and realize instantly that the scenes could have damaged the movie, and in other cases, the viewer realized that the scenes wouldn't have changed anything and really were unnecessary.

However, when looking at all the deleted scenes from Marvel movies, there are many that could have improved the viewing, added necessary character development and even -- in some cases -- filled in plot holes that bothered everyone.

Here are the 30 Deleted Scenes In Marvel Movies That Should’ve Never Been Cut.

30 AARON DAVIS CALLS MILES MORALES -  Spider-Man: Homecoming

Remember in Spider-Man: Honecoming when Spidey used his web shooters to stick that guy to his car in order to get information from him? That guy was Aaron Davis -- who in the comic books, is The Prowler in the Ultimate Marvel Universe.

He is also the uncle of Miles Morales -- which is a nice Easter egg from the movie.

Miles is Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe, taking over after the passing of Peter Parker.

However, there is also a deleted scene where Davis, still stuck on the car, calls to apologize to Miles for not being able to make it.

This is a scene that fans would have loved.


Throughout all three Thor movies as well as the first and third Avengers movie, one of the key relationships that moved the story involved the brothers, Thor and Loki.

Marvel has done a nice job and bringing the brothers along through the years but there was a deleted scene from the first Thor movie that could have set it up from the start.

Thor shows up for his ascension to the throne of Asgard and meets Loki beforehand.

The two share jokes, giving each other a hard time, but it is clear that there is love there between them.

The scene makes Loki's betrayal later in the movie even more devastating.

28 THANOS AND GAMORA ARGUE - Avengers: Infinity War

Thanos was a surprisingly sympathetic character, despite being the most destructive villain in Marvel movie history in Avengers: Infinity War.

While his plans called for wiping out half the universe, his purpose was noble in his own mind.

The movie also went a long way in making his love for his daughter Gamora obvious, showing that she was the only thing he ever really loved in the entire universe.

There was a deleted scene from the movie where Thanos showed Gamora a vision from her past and confronts her about her deception and lies to him.

It's a shame that it was cut, as it delved even further into their complicated relationship.

27 T'CHAKA FEELS REMORSE - Black Panther

Black Panther started out with a suprising scene from the past where King T'Chaka had to make a difficult decision, as he's forced to eliminate his own brother N'Jobu.

The movie then jumped into the present day and T'Challa had to learn everything that happened to create Killmonger on his own.

One deleted scene involved a nice moment where T'Challa and Nakia are exploring the Catacombs of Necropolis as kids. They then come upon T'Chaka, who wishes to speak to T'Challa. T'Chaka tells him that he had to make a difficult choice.

This was a very important scene, as it showed T'Challa's love and loyalty to his dad. It also emphasized that being the king and being the Black Panther are not the same thing.

26 SISTERS AT ARMS - Guardians of the Galaxy

In the two Guardians of the Galaxy movies, Nebula went from a villain and the right hand of Ronan the Accuser to a reluctant hero.

By the time she battled her sister Gamora while on Ego, her story finally came full circle and their battle -- and Nebula's words -- really hit home.

This could have been set up sooner, however.

Before Gamora set out to get the Infinity Stone from Peter Quill, the two sisters battled in a deleted scene.

This scene could have built up Nebula even more in that first film, but it also might have caused the fight in the second movie to lose some of its importance.


The biggest storyline in Iron Man 3 was about Tony Stark proving that he was a hero -- with or without his armor.

Much of the middle of the movie saw Tony solving problems, battling enemies, and fighting his battles as nothing more than a really smart and resourceful human.

He also helped out a young boy named Harley, a child who had no father figure and a mother who spent much of her time working away from home to support them.

There were a series of deleted scenes that showed a bully pushing Harley around.

Stark eventually saves the bully's life and helps Harley prove that he is not someone who can be pushed around.


Possibly the most heartbreaking scenes in Thor: The Dark World involved Loki and his mother Frigga -- maybe the only person he loved and the one person who always saw the good in the God of Mischief.

The scene where her holographic image visited her imprisoned son helped show Loki's torment.

There was a deleted scene right after that where Thor walked in as she was ending her talk with Loki. Frigga admits to Thor that she still has faith in Loki.

It was a nice moment that showed that not everyone had given up on him.

23 HULK SAVES BANNER - The Incredible Hulk

Possibly the most famous deleted scene from any Marvel Cinematic Universe movie came in The Incredible Hulk.

This scene was the original opening of the movie, which was one of the many scenes cut from the film, as Edward Norton kept demanding changes as the shoot wore on.

In this scene, Bruce Banner went to the Arctic to finally rid himself of his curse once and for all.

However, Banner realized that he couldn't do it because Hulk wouldn't let him.

This was cut, but it remained in canon, as Bruce Banner told the Avengers that he tried to end things once but Hulk just spit out the bullet.

This scene also included an Easter egg, as we could've seen Captain America's body buried under the ice.

22 CAP DITCHES S.H.I.E.L.D. - Captain America: Winter Soldier

Captain America: The Winter Soldier remains one of the best MCU movies to date. It is largely seen by fans as an espionage movie with superheroes.

However, during the movie, there was a plot hole as well as a deleted scene that revealed the correct timeline.

The HYDRA members that infiltrated S.H.I.E.L.D. mentioned that Cap had a tracking device on him. However, later in the movie it was gone.

In this deleted scene, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents burst into a gym, scaring some men who are playing basketball, and realize that Cap ditched their tracker there.

This deleted scene explained why it was so hard to find him later in the movie.


There is a book on screenwriting by the late Blake Snyder called Save the Cat. The title of the book refers to writers allowing troubled characters to do something to prove that they are good early in the movie, such as saving a cat.

In Doctor Strange, Stephen had proven to be an arrogant jerk and the writers wanted to show that he wasn't all bad.

A scene was cut during the time that he was trying to find The Ancient One. In this scene, he comes across an injured dog.

He then sets out to help fix the dog's leg, setting it up in a splint.

According to director Scott Derrickson, this scene was deleted because he felt that the character didn't deserve this redemption yet.

20 MARIA HILL IS A LIABILITY - Captain America: Winter Soldier

Captain America: Civil War saw the revelation that S.H.I.E.L.D. had been infiltrated by HYDRA years before and that even the biggest leaders were villains preparing to take over the world.

With that said, there were characters in the movie that were good and needed to be dealt with.

An attack took out Nick Fury and Captain America went on the run. However, there was also the case of Maria Hill disappearing from her role as a field leader.

In this deleted scene, Sitwell sends Agent Hill home, taking her out of the fight.

This scene would have helped explain why this important character suddenly completely disappeared.

19 LOKI'S CORONATION -  Thor: The Dark World

There were a lot of deleted scenes from Thor: The Dark World, mostly because it changed directors and then ended up edited by a studio that lost confidence in their second choice.

One of the deleted scenes was a dream sequence, which likely resulted in its omission.

Remember, one of the key character developments was Loki going from an envious son/brother into a world-conquering villain and then back to a tragic hero.

Part of his charm is the fact that he felt wronged all along.

This deleted scene involved Loki dreaming of his coronation as king, as Asgard cheered him on and admiring him. Loki was dreaming about his biggest desire: acceptance.

18 BLACK WIDOW'S PAST - Captain America: Winter Soldier

One of the biggest omissions in the MCU is the lack of a female-led movie. Marvel will rectify this when they release Captain Marvel next year. However, they have been sitting on a character that would be perfect for a solo movie: Black Widow.

Her past and origin story are perfect for a spy movie and there was a deleted scene from Captain America: The Winter Soldier that proved this.

When Widow was releasing all of the HYDRA information on the Internet, it included her past with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Alexander Pierce mentioned "Budapest, Osaka, and The Children's War."

This scene provided more context and proved that we really do need a Black Widow movie.


War Machine showed up in Iron Man 2 to help Iron Man battle Whiplash and the other machines at the end.

However, there was a point earlier in the movie that was there to set up this big moment. It even allowed us to see the humorous side of Rhodey.

Before he walked out onto the stage with the armor on, there was a deleted scene where he is seen with the military men.

He warns them all that they need to be careful when testing out the armor because Tony Stark likely had a security override -- one that almost immediately proved him right by electrifying someone who was working on his armor.

16 POSSESSED THOR -  Avengers: Age of Ultron

This deleted scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron was actually part of a scene from the movie.

In the film, we see Thor go into the Norn cave and began to see visions. However, the scene was originally much longer and included some great visuals that could have added to the movie.

It was almost like a full Exorcist scene, as it involved Thor's eyes lighting up and his voice growing demonic.

This is a scene that should have remained intact, as it also showed how Thor knew what to do with the Infinity Stone.

This was something that was otherwise just left dangling.

15 RINGS LIVES - Ant-Man

There were two interesting deleted scenes in Ant-Man. One came at the end when Ant-Man cheated at craps to help his friends.

This scene seemed to show Scott Lang participating in criminal acts, almost entirely undoing his retribution story.

However, there was another small scene that should never have been cut.

In this scene, Darren Cross is shows everyone the good that Pym Particles can do, something that shows that it could have worked in the right hands.

While this is interesting, add the fact that one of the buyers in the room has a 10 Rings tattoo, and is very important.

This scene showed us that the real Mandarin is still out there somewhere and might have been interested.

14 BUCKY WANTS A SHIELD - Captain America: Civil War

In the comics, after Steve Rogers passed away (albeit for only a short time), Bucky Barnes stopped being the Winter Soldier and became Captain America.

There are rumors that this could play out on the big screen, and if so, this deleted scene from Captain America: Civil War could be important.

While Cap and his team were fighting Iron Man and The Avengers at the airport, there was a scene where Cap lost his shield.

During this deleted scene, Winter Soldier grabs the shield, uses it, and then hands it back to Steve before saying that he needs one of those.

It was great foreshadowing but was cut from the movie.


When Marvel hired Scott Derrickson to direct Doctor Strange, it seemed like a great choice. Doctor Strange is all about magic, mysticism and the occult.

Before directing a Marvel movie, Derrickson helmed The Exorcism of Emily RoseSinister, and Deliver Us from Evil, so it's obvious that he knows horror.

However, this is Marvel and this makes it a Disney production, so a lot of horror was likely frowned upon.

A deleted scene involved Kaecilius trying to summon Dormammu in a very unsettling mystical ritual and failing. He then eliminates one of his men for their lack of faith.

It would have been great to add some fear and dread to the movie, but this is Disney, so we understand why it was cut.


There are a lot of places where the Marvel movies could delve into Tony Stark's personal problems and vices. However, the movies have chosen to gloss over a lot them. The only exception to this is the skirmish with Rhodey at his penthouse party.

One of the deleted scenes from Iron Man was from a party in Dubai.

This happened before Iron Man went to a village to free the people there, eliminating some criminals and stopping them from using his tech for terror.

Since no one that knew he was Iron Man, Stark needed a reason to be overseas and therefore threw a party in Dubai.

This gave Stark a chance to show off his playboy ways.


The key theme of the first Thor movie was Thor proving that he was an honorable hero.

His father Odin exiled him from Asgard and then sent him to Earth without his powers or Mjolnir. Thor met his new friends, which included the scientist Erik Selvig.

There were a number of big moments where Thor had a chance to prove himself.

However, there was one deleted scene from the movie that could have shown how heroic Thor was.

In the scene, Selvig is hurt and Thor uses his Asgardian technology to cure him, showing that he doens't need his powers for the God of Thunder to be a hero.

10 CAP AT THE CAFE - Avengers

Before Joss Whedon began cutting The Avengers, he had a three-plus hour movie.

He had to trim it down, and while many of the deleted scenes didn't hurt, there was one sequence with Captain America that would have made a great movie even better.

The scene started out with Cap watching a documentary about himself. After this, he decides to look up old friends from World War II.

He then visits a cafe where he meets a kind waitress. This was the same waitress he saved during the alien invasion.

Overall, it was a great scene that showed Cap trying to deal with the new world.


Logan might be the best X-Men movie that Fox ever made. Based on the Old Man Logan story from the comic books, the movie took place in the future, where all of the X-Men are gone except for Wolverine and Professor X.

In the comics, it was Wolverine who was responsible for their demise.

However, in the movie, Professor X ha dsementia, which makes his powers very dangerous. Because of this, he accidentally caused the destruction years in the past.

There was a scene in the original script that showed the X-Men falling in the past.

However, director James Mangold deleted this scene from the movie without ever shooting it.

8 SICK ON THE PLANE - Iron Man 2

Fans had been asking for Marvel to adapt the Demon in a Bottle storyline, but this is a Disney corporation and the last thing that the company will do is have one of their greatest heroes battle addiction.

The closest they came was a tipsy Tony Stark in the Iron Man armor in Iron Man 2.

However, there was a scene at the start of Iron Man 2 that played into the same idea.

The movie originally opened with Tony and Pepper Potts on an airplane together. We see Tony being sick in the bathroom, which is a mixture of alcoholism and palladium poisoning.

However, this scene was deleted so that a fun opening could be used instead.


Thor, at its heart, was a Shakespearian tale more than it was a Marvel superhero movie.

Odin was the King of Asgard, and when he decided that Thor was not ready or mature enough to step up and take over the throne, he banished him to Earth to teach him a lesson.

The Shakespearian roles extended to Loki -- the half-brother of Thor who always felt disrespected no matter what he did, finally turning evil and betraying his family.

There was a deleted scene that took place while Odin was in a coma where Frigga tells Loki that he was an important part of the family, mentioning that he is officially the king with Thor gone.

With his dreams so close, this scene made Loki's story even more tragic.

6 ROGUE REJECTS THE CURE - X-Men: The Last Stand

Possibly the worst part of the conclusion of the original X-Men trilogy came with the character of Rogue. X-Men: The Last Stand tried to do way too much, mixing the mutant cure storyline with the Dark Phoenix story, and ultimately shortchanging both.

However, looking at the movies, Rogue was the center of the story, the tragic mutant who Magneto wanted in the first movie and the hero who tied the story together to the end when she accepted the cure.

This angered many fans, but it would've easily been resolved if the alternate ending had been used.

In it, Ice Man returns to the mansion and sees Rogue, who has just rejected the cure, saying that this is who she is.


The two Amazing Spider-Man movies caught a lot of flack from fans. However, were better than people give them credit for.

They did some interesting things, the best of which was exploring what really happened to Peter Parker's parents.

In the comics, it turned out that they were working for Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. and these movies seemed to be heading in that direction, albeit with a different organization.

There was a deleted scene at the end of Amazing Spider-Man 2 where Peter Parker is visiting the grave of Gwen Stacy when his dad shows up.

It was a great scene that would have paid off in the next movie if it hadn't been cut.

Instead, a crowd-pleasing scene with Spidey saving a little boy and batting Rhino ended the movie.


There was a lot of confusion concerning the relationship between Okoye and W'Kabi. It was clear that the two had a relationship, as they referred to each other as lovers, but that is as far as the movie went to show them.

However, there was a Black Panther deleted scene that actually showed that they were much more than just lovers.

After Killmonger took over, there is a deleted scene that involves the two talking. We soon discover that they are husband and wife.

The scene also reveals that W'Kani wanted Okoye to quit the Dora Milaje to start a family with him.

W'Kani goes on to described that he felt betrayed by T'Challa.

This deleted scene made the moment that they fought on opposite sides mean even more.

3 THING's AIRPLANE JUMP -  Fantastic Four

The 2015 Fantastic Four movie is one of the lowest rated superhero movies on Rotten Tomatoes. Josh Trank seemed to want to make a sequel to Chronicle more than a Fantastic Four movie and rumor has it the studio took it out of his hands at the editing stage.

This makes it no surprise that some of the footage from the trailer was nowhere to be seen in the movie.

One of the scenes from the trailer had The Thing leaping out of an airplane. This happened when The Thing was working as a special ops soldier and was on one of his missions.

This is something that could have added action to a movie that sorely lacked exciting scenes.


Blade was an interesting movie and one that many fans seem to forget about. It was one of the first major movies to feature a Marvel superhero and was one of the first big-budget superhero movies to feature a superhero of color.

The movie originally set up a bad guy for the sequel, showing a mysterious figure wearing a long coat at the end.

This scene was deleted from the movie, but it is interesting, as David Goyer mentioned in the DVD commentary that this figure was Morbius the Living Vampire.

However, maybe it is better to delete the scene since Guillermo Del Toro signed on for the sequel and directed the best movie in the franchise.


There was a deleted scene at the very end of the first Thor movie. Though many thought that it was merely a lost opportunity for an Easter egg, they now realize that it might've been more important now.

Selvig and his team had been investigating supernatural occurrences for awhile but finally got some real tech after Thor saved the world.

The deleted scene sees Selvig talking about the work they need to do, mentioning the name S.W.O.R.D.

The organization S.W.O.R.D. is similar to S.H.I.E.L.D. but it deals with extraterrestrial threats.

Though it would've been a cool Easter egg, it also could've tied Captain Marvel to the MCU, as the idea that she worked for S.W.O.R.D. could have been set up perfectly in the first Thor movie.

Unfortunately it is a lost opportunity now.


Which of these deleted Marvel scenes do you wish were kept in the movies? Are there any other deleted scenes we forgot to mention? Sound off in the comments!

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